Becoming a good dad is serious business!

We try to make fatherhood a little less confusing.

We want to help dads be good fathers and win the day at home.

Our primary focus is our newsletter. (join here)


I’m proud to say that I officially have 6 years of experience as a dad (dang! time flies) – and I love it!

The HUGE challenges that come with parenting and the sweet little moments when our little ones bring us something they’ve just made or just want a hug; I love it all!

More importantly, I’m blessed to have lots of intelligent and smart dads around me, not just my own experience.

They make me a better dad. is my attempt to share some of the stuff I’ve learned – stuff I picked up from other dads along the way.

There are so many “Aha-moments” with little ones, and I’d love it if I could offer you one or two.

(the dude behind

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